
Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Un tanar de 22 de ani are nevoie nevoie urgenta de ajutor! Este paralizat datorită unui accident. Şansa de a nu rămâne aşa pentru totdeauna, înseamnă, pentru el, 400 de fiole de FARMPRIDINE, medicament care abia a depăşit faza a 3-a de cercetare clinică, produs de ACORDA THERAPEUTICS.

Dacă cineva dintre voi crede că îl poate ajuta, vă rog să-mi lăsaţi un semn.
Cine stie, poate reuşim să-l ajutăm...

A 22 years young man needs urgently help! He's paralised because of a car crush. His chance of recovery consist in 400 phials of FARMPRIDINE, produced by ACORDA THERAPEUTICS.
If anybody thinks he/she can do something to help him, please leave a sign.

The family couldn't find this drug in Romania and also I understood they don't have exactely the financially means to buy it.

Who knows, maybe together we can find a way to help this boy...

0 voroave::

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